Kamala Harris Murder Scandal EXPOSED

As if Kamala Harris’ approval rating couldn’t get any worse than it is now, details of her troubled past come out of the woodwork.

In fact, these details are so disturbing that Harris appears to have a river of blood on her hands that cannot be washed clean.

It is no secret that Kamala Harris has a checkered past when it comes to her time as a prosecutor in San Francisco.

But the left and the mainstream media are trying desperately to suppress these stories, likely in an attempt to prevent them from effecting future elections.

However, it is important for all Americans to be aware of what happened during her tenure as district attorney so they can make an informed decision come the next election.

One of the most notable cases involving Harris occurred with Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant living in San Francisco.

Despite being known by police as a member of MS-13 and having been arrested multiple times for crimes such as assault, attempted robbery, and assaulting a pregnant woman, authorities declined to report him to federal authorities due to San Francisco’s “sanctuary” policy for illegal immigrants.

Instead of prosecuting him or deporting him, Harris allowed Ramos back out on the streets.

The consequences of that decision led to him murdering three innocent people in retribution for her generosity.

This decision would prove fatal for three innocent people; Anthony Bologna and his two sons Michael and Matthew Bologna who were driving back from a family barbecue when they were shot by Edwin Ramos who mistook them for rival gang members.

While their grieving widow begged Harris to pursue the death penalty against Ramos, she declined.

When asked why she refused to push for the death penalty in this case, Harris cited her personal beliefs against capital punishment – something she has done numerous other times throughout her career when presented with even more heinous crimes than this one.

In fact, many believe that she used her position as district attorney not only to decline prosecution but also to provide leniency towards those who had donated money or had connections with either herself or her husband’s law firm.

It appears that justice was not at the top of Kamala’s priority list while serving in San Francisco’s courtrooms – instead it appeared that favoritism reigned supreme during her tenure there.

No one should be given preferential treatment based on their donations or their connections, yet this appears to have been an issue under Kamala Harris’ watch.

Americans deserve better from our elected officials, especially those who are running in the Presidential Election.

Her record speaks volumes about how little regard she has held justice in high regard when making decisions about sentencing criminals – decisions that could determine whether someone lives or dies.

While Kamala Harris appears socially progressive on many issues such as race relations, climate change etc., there are much darker aspects pertaining to her tenure as district attorney which cannot be ignored.

What are your thoughts on this disturbing scandal?

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