They Left a Strange Note On on His Truck, LOOK at What it Says


I don’t drink a whole lot anymore, but back in my day I could regularly be found at one or two local bars in the town I lived in for the bulk of my life.

One thing that this place prided itself on was the fact that nobody that had ever been to that bar had ever gotten picked up for drunk driving after they left the bar. Ever.

They actually had a pretty interesting way of doing it. What they would do is that they would keep track of what folks were ordering and how often; and if you drank more than a certain amount they would ask for your keys or cut you off.

If you wanted to keep drinking and gave them your keys, they had what they called a Drunkmobile that they would then take folks home in. Kinda like a free Uber before that sort of thing existed.

There’s nothing wrong with having a good time, but people need to be responsible about it.

And when people are responsible about it, that kind of thing needs to be recognized.

For example, a man named Austin Martin met a friend at the Union Bar and Grill in Gering, Nebraska.

His friend apparently had a limited amount of alcohol, while Austin decided to get good and drunk.

Having the presence of mind to realize that he did not need to be driving home, he left his truck in the parking lot of the bar.

His wife brought him back to the bar the next day to collect his truck and found something pretty unusual wedged under the windshield washer.

It was a note from the owner of the bar.

I’m not saying that every place that serves alcohol should do this, because ultimately it is up to the individual how they conduct themselves.

That being said, it is a pretty wise move on the part of the bar to do something like that.

A lot of people sadly end up driving home drunk because they feel they have no other options.

Maybe if they are given a little extra incentive they will do their part to make the world a little safer.

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