Squatting Crook Gets Big Payback


The idea of squatting in someone’s home is probably one of the most sickening crimes out there.

Yes, it isn’t a violent crime like assault or murder; but it is theft of the highest order.

Think of how long someone might have to work to buy a house and then to have some sickening piece of garbage come in while you are out of town or something like that, set up shop, and say that it belongs to them is absolutely ridiculous.

There are even laws to protect these people, which boggles the mind even more.

But as with every rule, there is a way around it, and that can lead to people getting these literal roaches out of their homes.

Which brings me to the case of a woman named Sarah Hamilton. Sarah lives in the Detroit area and was getting ready to sell her home when she found someone named Lonnie Williams living in the house without her permission.

Williams had been squatting which afforded some kind of rights, but that premise makes no sense to begin with. Squatters don’t have rights by most reasonable people’s accounting of how the world should work.

However, Sarah had a plan. She met with Williams through an attorney she had hired under the premise of getting some personal belongings out of the home.

Then, a news crew shows up to interview Williams and make sure that Williams was distracted long enough for Sarah to change all of the locks to the house.

I have to admit, it was kind of a smart idea.

Sarah must have come to the conclusion that the only way to outsmart a squatter was to think exactly like a squatter. She eventually got control over her house again and Williams was later arrested.

It’s one of the reasons why to be honest whenever I go out of town for more than a couple of days that I have a trusted relative stay at my house. Sure, you can have all the locks and cameras that you want but those things can only do so much.

That being said, the laws concerning squatters and their so called “rights” need to be looked at.

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