The World’s Hottest Weather Girls

hottest weather

I am one of those people that still watches the local news for the weather report.

Sure, you can look up what the weather is going to be on your phone or computer, but there’s just something that goes back to days gone by watching the news for the weather.

That and to be honest, with a lot of the traveling that I do I end up getting exposed to a good number of weather staffs.

Especially some of the female weather reporters.

I mean, it might just be me but you have to work pretty hard to find a weather girl that isn’t drop dead gorgeous.

Jackie Guerrido

This Puerto Rican weather girl got her start as a traffic reporter, but has been blowing people away with her looks and her skill at reporting what the temperature is going to be tomorrow.
Liberté Chan
Next is KTLA’s Liberté Chan. As you can see, she is extremely athletic and is heavily into yoga. She has been with the Los Angeles station since 2012 and I am sure the people of Los Angeles couldn’t be happier.
Janice Villagran
This Mexican weather girl has been setting televisions south of the border on fire for some time now.
It seems that down in Mexico they have some major league hotties calling the rain and wind!
Sheena Parveen
Sheena Parveen is a veteran weather reporter that has worked at some of the largest television stations in the United States. Two be hired on to report the weather in a large city, you definitely have to look good on camera!
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