Police Officer Saves Trapped Woman [VIDEO]


One of the most maligned groups of people in this country are police officers.

Police officers are often the first ones to rush in to rescue someone from a dangerous situation.

There have been so many good incidents involving police officers that don’t get talked about that you have to wonder what the agenda is of the people that speak ill of the police.

Bottom line is, sure there are cops that aren’t exactly the greatest people in the world, but they will still rush in to help someone that needs help.

I remember the one night I was visiting my wife’s relatives and got lost on the way home from the emergency room when my son was sick.

We somehow ended up in a bad neighborhood and when a cop spotted our out-of-state plates, he actually escorted us back to the highway because he knew the inherent danger we were in being in that particular neighborhood.

Cops have to work under conditions that would permanently damage some people psychologically.

Take for example the case of a sheriff’s deputy named John Holt. He was assisting with a simply DUI stop when he saw an unrelated vehicle spin out of control.

The car carrying a woman and her children had turned upside down and the occupants of the car were trapped to say the least.

The woman driving the car was pinned underneath and so Deputy Holt did the only thing that he could do.

He put his entire body weight into lifting the car.

He managed to physically lift up the entire car enough for the driver that was trapped to get out to safety.

It’s got to be one of the most impressive things I have ever seen.

I mean I have seen some amazing feats of strength, but there is nothing like seeing someone in the line of duty literally put everything they have into saving someone’s life.

Reports indicate that all occupants of the vehicle are doing well and are in good condition, especially given the fact that one of them was trapped under a car.

It is just another example that goes to show why we need to give police officers all the respect in the world.

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