Newly elevated Special Counsel David Weiss might not be as “independent” as he claims. It seems that when Congress demanded answers from him, Merrick Garland wrote his responses. He’s also still the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, which is a violation of DOJ regulations. The law clearly spells out that a special prosecutor must come from outside the department. John Durham retired so he could do his investigation. Conservative Americans are complaining loudly that the whole situation only underscores that the “fix” is still in.
Weiss ran straight to Garland
When Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss opened his mail to find “congressional requests for information regarding his five-year-long investigation of Hunter Biden, challenging the prosecutor’s own signed statements that he had ‘ultimate authority‘ to bring charges,” he dropped them on his boss. That would be Merrick Garland, who runs the DOJ and acts like he also runs the whole country from there. He’s the top rat in charge of guarding the government cheese and the prime reason Donald Trump faces criminal charges, while nobody named Biden does.
“Now we know why they were fighting the release: the claims of Weiss’ independence were a sham,” Oversight Project director Mike Howell declares. “Garland’s political lobbyists were controlling congressional communications to the Hill, while the Hill thought they were going to be hearing from Weiss himself.”
Weiss didn’t need any special authority to let Hunter go on everything, which is what he apparently planned to do all along. He also didn’t reveal to the public that he had a close working relationship with the brother of his investigative target. Normally, that would be considered a “conflict of interest.” It seems that David Weiss and Beau Biden were in all sorts of headlines together on high profile cases when the late Biden was Delaware’s Attorney General.
🚨EXPOSED: Heritage’s @OversightPR FOIA lawsuit has revealed that U.S. Attorney David Weiss colluded with the DOJ to thwart Congressional questioning.
— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) August 28, 2023
The public also recently learned that an assistant prosecutor on the case, Derek Hines, has close connections to Louis Freeh. That’s important because Freeh is reportedly the Biden family “mole” Hunter liked to call “One Eye” in e-mails purportedly brokering the services of Freeh to the Chinese for big bucks.
The Heritage Foundation just got their hands on official emails between Weiss and DOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs. There was another batch with the Office of Legal Counsel. All of them were “about how to respond to questions posed by House Republicans about the case.”
Newly discovered information separately revealed that there weren’t going to be any charges filed against Hunter at all for tax crimes until after the IRS investigators blew the whistle to the House Ways and Means Committee. That’s when Weiss cobbled together the diabolical deal which Hunter Biden’s lawyers continue to insist is inked in blood. The tax crimes may be out the window but the gun deal still stands and could preclude any other charges.
Blocked at every turn
Just because David Weiss was given more power to prosecute doesn’t mean that he’ll actually use it. That’s why his elevation smells so fishy to conservative watchdogs. To them, the fix is still in.
As witness after witness has already testified, investigators were blocked from doing any actual investigation at every turn. They couldn’t see the laptop. They didn’t know about the Burisma bribery allegations. Witnesses were tipped off prior to interview, lawyers were notified ahead of property searches. The list is endless.
According to the heavily redacted emails turned over to Heritage Foundation in response to a FOIA request, Merrick Garland offered to “take the lead” from Weiss “in drafting responses to GOP lawmakers who brought up Hunter’s case.”
Under U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s supervision, Hunter Biden was given special privileges not afforded to other Americans.
This includes:
◾️ The DOJ tipping off Hunter Biden’s counsel
◾️ Allowing the statute of limitations to lapse on tax charges
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) August 28, 2023
For instance, there was a request from Senators Charles Grassley and Ron Johnson about the probe. “I will send this along now to [redacted]. Anything else you’d like me to convey or ask?” Assistant U.S. Attorney Shannon Hanson wrote on June 2, 2022. “I don’t think it matters. Does it?” Weiss responded.
On June 9, 2022, “the OLA told Grassley and Johnson that because of Justice Department policy it could not comment on an ongoing investigation.” There are a whole slew of emails confirming they would carefully keep their mouths shut to Congress.
“Other emails in June and July 2022 show Weiss confirming to his team that he would ‘not respond‘ to the Republicans’ letter until apparently hearing back from the Justice Department.” The senators followed up on July 8 and was again snubbed by the DOJ, who sent an email to the investigators noting they would “take the lead on drafting a response for the Department.“