WHOA: The Clintons Are Scrambling After A Fact About Their Marriage Just Went Public…

For the past 24 years, the marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton has been one of the most widely discussed topics in American politics.

After Bill confessed to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky, the couple faced intense public scrutiny and since then there have been constant rumors about what their relationship is like behind closed doors.

Recently, a White House insider who worked on their presidential campaigns has come forward with shocking revelations about their marriage that many people didn’t know.

According to Mark Penn, former adviser to President Bill Clinton who also worked on Hillary’s 2008 campaign for president, Bill imposed an open marriage on his wife even though she didn’t agree to it.

This arrangement was made following multiple cheating scandals involving both Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky which left Hillary without much choice in the matter.

In his book released earlier this year, Penn writes “It’s not hard to conclude that Bill and Hillary Clinton didn’t have at least a one-way open marriage. Perhaps it was not by choice but the stories accumulated over the years until the fact of it became apparent.”

He goes on to suggest that if this is how our first couple operates then what does this mean for everyone else?

Despite all of her husband’s indiscretions over the years, Hillary has always spoken highly of him in interviews and has never publicly bashed him for sleeping around or having affairs outside of their marriage.

She also always assures her fans that they have forgiven each other for past wrongs and remain strong together despite any personal issues they may be facing in private.

It is difficult however, for anyone outside herself or her husband to verify these facts as true since we are all outsiders looking into someone else’s life from afar so therefore cannot judge them based on what we think we know.

The #MeToo movement has done great things for women such as giving them a platform to speak out against sexual harassment without fear of repercussions or retaliation from those perpetrators.

However, in situations like these where there may be consensual matters between two adults, it can become muddied because women may use these experiences against a person after-the-fact when they weren’t originally consenting due to feeling pressure from either party involved during said events which takes away from those cases involving true assault victims.

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