Look, I want to say at the outset that I am not going to unilaterally make fun of the obese here.
I don’t do it period, because I am someone with a little bit of reason that understands that there are some people that are overweight and it might not be their fault.
There are countless people with legitimate medical conditions that have a hard time controlling their weight.
But people should at least make the effort to take care of themselves.
For example, there’s a guy in my neighborhood I’ll call Bill. Bill is a nice guy, weighs about 350 pounds.
I don’t know how he got to that point but it looks like there’s not supposed to be that kind of stress on his frame.
Anyway, one day I was out on my evening walk when I saw him walking in the other direction with a backpack. He was wearing workout clothes.
Eventually I started seeing him on these walks more and more. Eventually, I began to see less and less of him.
What I mean is that he started to lose weight, a little at a time.
After about a year, he had lost like a hundred pounds and was in fantastic condition.
That being said, I don’t get the people that have the ability to do something about their weight and would rather eat until their bodies literally explode.
Take for example the case of a sixty year old man named Leonid Andreev. He tipped the scales at a little over six hundred pounds.
That’s two of my friend Bill before he started his walking. Anyway, just from sheer overeating an an unwillingness to do anything to control his weight he had become stuck in his house for somewhere around five years.
I just don’t get what gets in the head of someone to do that to themselves to the point where they end up dying of a heart attack.
The poor guy was found dead of a heart attack by his family.
It’s sad because there were probably a million points where he could have done something about it, but he decided not to.