Breaking: Police Responding to Active Shooter


The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill campus was thrown into a state of chaos on Monday afternoon after police issued an alert for an ‘armed and dangerous person’ in the vicinity of Caudill Labs.

A manhunt ensued and police have now released a picture of the suspect they are searching for.

Here’s what we know so far.

UNC police released the image of an Asian man wearing a grey t-shirt with short black cropped hair on Monday afternoon.

In their statement, they said: “This photo shows a person of interest in today’s armed and dangerous person situation. If you see this person, keep your distance, put your safety first and call 911.”

Footage from the scene showed staff and students draped in their chemistry coats being led out of the building as dozens of cops swarmed the campus to search for the suspect.

Lecturer Noel Brewer reported that his office was put into lockdown due to an active shooter nearby while PhD student Jake Sirlin posted on X saying he heard that one student had been shot.

He urged people to reach out to any loved ones who may be at UNC during this chaotic time.

As of 2pm, UNC confirmed that they remained on lockdown as officials continue to investigate this active shooting situation.

All Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools were also placed into secure mode with doors locked until further notice; elementary schools will not dismiss students until there is an all clear given at UNC ensuring it is safe for them to leave campus grounds.

Additionally, UNC’s Board of Trustees’ special meeting and Faculty Executive Committee’s meeting were both canceled as part of precautionary measures taken by authorities in light of this incident.

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