Massive BRAWL on Capitol Floor

Tennessee Floor
Photo via Twitter Video Screenshot

It looks like the boys in Tennessee are not playing nice again. The Governor of Tennessee called a special session specifically to address gun control. The GOP-led state legislature did pass some laws, but they were not to the Dems liking, and things got physical.

Get in Their Face

So, apparently, getting in the face of your fellow politicians is now the norm in Tennessee. Democrats were fuming that Republicans did not pass a dramatic overhaul of gun control.

So, after Governor Lee’s special session fell short of Democrat expectations, a couple of troublemakers in the Tennessee House decided to get in the Speaker’s face. As Republican Speaker Cameron Sexton was exiting the room, State Rep. Justin Pearson (D) tried to cut him off. Sexton pushed past him, and that is when things started to get interesting…

You remember Pearson, right?

He is the once clean-cut kid who decided to grow out his afro and turn himself into a radical after having promoted himself as a moderate for many years.

Now he is seemingly trying to emulate the Black Panther style in the Tennessee House.

After the session was over, Democratic Rep. Karen Camper stated, “As you all have seen and witnessed, it’s been a complete waste of time.

“It’s been a waste of money on the taxpayers. It’s been disrespectful to the Covenant families. It’s been disrespectful to the public at large and in fact to our members.”

She continued, “Lastly, even if you look at bills we passed, is it making us any safer?

“The people expected us to do something to make the public more safer. We did nothing except waste time, disrespect people, and spend taxpayers’ dollars.”

And let me ask a question… if the laws that are already on the books are not enforced, what good does passing more laws do?

These people are out of their minds.

Source: Washington Examiner

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