Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson officially left the Democrat party by taking out an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he renounced his loyalty to liberals and their anarchy, in favor of MAGA-conservative stability. He’s fed up with the chaotic lawlessness brought on by progressive policies.
Dallas mayor snubs Democrats
On Friday, September 22, Eric Johnson “formally switched party allegiances” and Dallas became “the most populous city in the country to have a nominally GOP mayor.”
In the cities of Texas, the mayor’s position is supposed to be non-partisan but everyone knows how officials are registered makes a difference.
“The future of America’s great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation’s mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism.”
Texas is getting more Red every day.
Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson switches to Republican Party.
He’s pro law enforcement & won’t tolerate leftist agendas.
Two of the 10 largest cities in America now have Republican Mayors & they are both in Texas. https://t.co/Qn9SM7UZ1G
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 22, 2023
Despite Joe’s promises to print more money and “spend our way out of bankruptcy,” the 47-year-old mayor came to the sudden realization that “our cities desperately need the genuine commitment to these principles (as opposed to the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment of many Democrats) that has long been a defining characteristic of the GOP.”
To make it simple for his Democrat colleagues and their common core education, he spelled it out. “In other words, American cities need Republicans — and Republicans need American cities.” We can’t continue to let Antifa® burn them down.
By defunding police and decriminalizing crime, Democrats are chasing away all the merchants, retailers and taxpayers. Mayor Johnson is smart enough to see it isn’t working.
Public safety a priority
For the past nine years, Johnson served in the Texas Legislature as a Democrat. Even then, he was considered more of a DINO. Before his election to the mayor job in 2019, he often “charged that members of his former party who hold public office” have “failed to make public safety a priority or to exercise fiscal restraint.”
He’s even on record accusing his liberal colleagues of considering American cities “as laboratories for liberalism rather than as havens for opportunity and free enterprise.”
We the People don’t take kindly to being used as lab rats. Johnson saw all the wokeness and woke up to the “virtue signaling” illusion. “Too often, local tax dollars are spent on policies that exacerbate homelessness, coddle criminals and make it harder for ordinary people to make a living.”
The most Texas story you’ll read today
Days after AG Ken Paxton was acquitted, the recently re-elected Democrat Mayor of Dallas Eric Johnson announced he is switching to the Republican Party
“America’s cities need Republicans and I’m becoming one”
Welcome brother! pic.twitter.com/2xLaUlrkrH
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) September 22, 2023
One recent morning, the Mayor looked at himself in the mirror and decided to finally come out of the closet as a Republican. More specifically, a conservative Republican, not one of those Democrat in disguise RINO “moderates.”
Too many local Democrats, Mayor Johnson insists, “insist on virtue signaling.” By that he means “proposing half-baked government programs that aim to solve every single societal ill.” Guns for instance. They don’t go around shooting people all by themselves.
Democrats spend day and night “finding new ways to thumb their noses at Republicans at the state or federal level.” He decided to quit while he was behind. “Enough. This makes for good headlines, but not for safer, stronger, more vibrant cities.” As mayor, he owes his responsibilities to his citizens, not the New World Order.