As the professor of engineering and policy at the University of Southern California, James Moore is no stranger to studying statistics. One of the most controversial statistical subjects in recent years has been that of police shootings involving racial minorities.
With college campuses being saturated with anti-police propaganda, Moore felt it was his responsibility to push back against this unchallenged narrative. To do so, he hung a large Thin Blue Line flag, also known as a Blue Lives Matter flag, on his office door.
This prompted immediate backlash from students demanding its removal.
However, Moore refused to take it down as he wanted students to realize that there are other viewpoints outside their progressive bubble and that they actually hold the minority opinion outside academia.
As a statistician, he explained that he hung the flag to counter beliefs surrounding police violence towards black people; pointing out that most don’t want police defunded and benefit from their presence.
Graduate student Shai Porat filed a complaint with the dean of Viterbi School for Engineering and USC’s Office of Equity regarding Moore’s decision to hang up the flag.
Even more surprisingly though was their response – both offices confirmed that Moore had every right to hang up the symbol on his office door.
Unresolved by this answer, graduate student Maricarmen Pachicano joined Porat in calling for an amendment in university policies which would include control over faculty members’ office spaces.
This led outraged students painting Moore as racist and supporter of white supremacy – something which ignores facts such as many minorities wanting stronger police presence due to crime rates and law enforcement being made up largely by minority groups themselves.
Despite all demands from students, James Moore refuses to be censored or silenced – believing it is important for them to recognize there are other opinions beyond just theirs.
He stands firm in knowing the university cannot fully censor him while making sure his students understand they aren’t alone in holding different opinions than what is considered “normal” within those walls.
This provides them an emotional capacity allowing them to hear various sides without bias and without fear or judgement from peers or superiors alike for simply having a different point view on certain matters concerning society today.
James Moore proves there are still academics who aren’t trying indoctrinate students with just one way thinking – but rather helping them understand various points views without prejudice or criticism.
“I wanted to remind students that there are multiple points of view present on this campus, because we are becoming fairly homogenous in respect to ideas,” Moore said.
He understands that harm is done when only a singular viewpoint is shown, showing courage by standing firmly in his belief all should be allowed speak freely even if uncomfortable situations may arise.
Because everyone deserves to have the chance to express their beliefs whatever they may be without fear, retribution or harassment of any kind.
James will continue to pushback against intolerance of diverse thinking, setting and example for future generations.