Democrat Leader BUSTED, Facing Serious Indictment Charges


He took a bribe or two from Egypt, so what? Democrats shrug. It’s no big deal, just ask Joe Biden. Who cares if New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez was stacking up gold bars by the kilo and and stuffing all the jackets in his closet full of cash? He’s a Democrat, which means they’re allowed to do that.

One bribe after another

Democrat Senator Robert Menendez thought he had the bribe business streamlined like a McDonald’s drive-through. His wife was happy to help him stash and spend it.

Both were amazingly charged with bribery and corruption by the Just Us Department. Bob must have slighted Merrick Garland in some way and lost his Deep State protection, conservatives speculate.

On Friday morning, September 22, in what some are calling an attempt to distract media attention away from Joe Biden’s pending impeachment for his own bribe business, along with Hunter Biden’s impending federal gun trial, Garland’s minions announced that they raided the Menendez home.

The Federal Bureau of Instigation hauled away kilo weight “gold bars” and “stacks of cash.” Federal prosecutors actually allege that he got those fat stacks and pounds of gold through “a corrupt scheme” involving “the senator’s powerful position to secretly benefit the Egyptian government.” Garland must not have received his split of the take.

The latest federal indictment against the controversial senator “lays out wide-ranging abuses of power that the senator and his wife, Nadine Menendez, are accused of committing to help New Jersey business executives in exchange for cash and gifts totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In exchange for one bribe, they allege, the senator “pressed the Biden administration to nominate a U.S. attorney in New Jersey who he thought would be sympathetic to his real estate developer friend who was facing federal fraud charges.” Sure, why not? They allegedly stack federal prosecutions and investigations all the time in Joe’s home state of Delaware. Joe remembers what it’s like to be a senator and was more than happy to help out.

Meetings with military officials

On another page of the indictment, prosecutors spell out how Menendez pimped his wife out to Egyptian military officials. After he “allegedly took meetings” with the generals, his wife landed “a ‘low-or-no-show’ job with an Egyptian-American businessman.” Sort of like the bribe Hunter Biden and his buddy Devon Archer took by working for Burisma.

Their job description, worth a million per year each, was to get “the Big Guy” on the phone whenever their boss wanted to talk to Joe about his “problem” prosecutor. The one Joe allegedly solved with threats of withholding American aid to Ukraine.

For Menendez, things on the bribe list included “cash, gold, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job, a luxury vehicle, and other things of value.” It is going to be real interesting to see how he’s treated by the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan.

Federal prosecutor Damian Williams can’t wait to go to trial. He pointed out that “the senator’s website declares that while he will provide constituent services on behalf of New Jersey residents, he cannot and will not get involved in business matters or criminal investigations on their behalf.

That’s because, Williams explains, “behind the scenes, Senator Menendez was doing those things for certain people — the people who were bribing him and his wife.” Democrats are dismissing the whole thing as a nothing-burger. After all, Wasn’t U.S. Attorney David Weiss a close friend of Beau Biden? Wasn’t his deputy prosecutor Derek Hines a close associate of Biden family mole Louis Freeh? The one they call “One Eye?” The one who Hunter Biden charged the “effing spy chief of China” some big bucks for employing?

Freeh was more than happy to tip the Chinese off to an impending federal probe. One of them hired Hunter as his lawyer to defend him while the other was “disappeared” in China. Menendez must have done something really wrong by not paying some of the bribe money to someone. That’s what seems to have really happened behind the scenes to anger those who spend their careers covering up such crimes. One can only speculate until the facts eventually claw their way to the surface. Like one of those zombies infesting liberal cities.


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