Don’t Bother Calling 911 in Sanctuary City For Just an Armed Robbery


If it’s only another garden variety armed robbery, don’t bother calling 911 for it, Austin police recommend. You can still use their non-emergency contact line (311) but it’s not an emergency until you’re bleeding. That’s what happens in liberal run sanctuary jurisdictions. Texas may be a conservative state in general but there are de-funded enclaves around the border crossings which are really run by the cartels.

Armed robbery not an emergency

It’s being reported that robbery, even armed ones, aren’t a big priority for these agents of law enforcement.

Austin police in Texas are asking residents to call 311 if they get robbed near an ATM as the department struggles amid an increase in urban crime and staffing shortages.” That’s what happens when you defund the department out of existence.

The Austin Police Department went on social media to announce “even if you are cautious & follow all the safety advice, you may still become the unfortunate victim of a robbery.” They don’t think you know the proper next step. If you believe it would be “call 911.” Think again.

Make a police report & provide as much information as possible so we can recover your property quickly and safely.” So many victims neglect to mention the details that matter, police are reminding to note the name of the bank when you call 311 and “include the date and time of the cash withdrawal.

For some bewildering reason that Austin officials can’t seem to figure out, the city “grapples with an increase in crime.” Since the manufacturers of cars negligently make them way too easy to steal.

Compared to 2020, Austin has had a 77% increase in auto thefts.” They can’t blame anyone but the criminals for “an 18% increase in aggravated assaults, and a 30% increase in murders.” Robbery is practically a profession there.

Sorely lacking resources

As explained by Austin Police Association President Thomas Villarreal the robbery wave is nothing but a symptom of defunding the department. The Austin PD, he notes “is sorely lacking the resources it needs to tackle crime.” They haven’t a doughnut for years.

We’re a growing city, a city that should be up around 2,000 officers and growing right now.” Nope. The city doesn’t pay nearly enough for the dangers they’re expected to face daily. “I’ve got about 1,475 officers in our police department and, you know, we’re moving in the wrong direction. There’s less and less and less resources to go out and do the job.

Not only that, he continues, “I’ve got detectives who are pulled away from their caseload to just help answer 911 calls because we just don’t have the resources to adequately police the city.” Angry residents have a few things to say about the lack of funding.

Robbery isn’t the only crime going unanswered. Julia Kantor, whose 25-year-old son Douglas was killed in a mass shooting, in June of 2021 is furious. Cutting police cash makes the council members “cowards” she alleges.

Jury selection just got underway for “the murder of my son Douglas Kantor and the attack on 14 others,” she noted recently. Robbery, murder and lawlessness in general must end. “I hope you will follow this [trial] as your duty to your citizens.

Blood is on the hands of “you, the city council and others who defunded the police and welcomed these evil people with no regard for life to run and ruin your city.

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