He Was Murdered, Rivers of Blood on Biden’s Hands


If Joe Biden had locked down our border, 28-year-old Jario J. Hernandez-Sanchez would be alive today.

He was allegedly murdered by Carlos Corrales-Ramirez, a 20-year-old Honduran national.

Corrales-Ramirez was actually in custody for another stabbing, but let go due to sloppy blue-state paperwork.

Get It Right

Corrales-Ramirez has been apprehended by Border Patrol in New York in March.

He was turned over to the New York State Police due to an outstanding warrant for another stabbing death in Maryland.

Corrales-Ramirez was being held for 30 days awaiting extradition, but the paperwork from Maryland never came through.

The judge ordered that extended to a 90-day hold, but the paperwork still did not go through, so the judge had no choice but to order the release.

Then, what does Corrales-Ramirez do? He allegedly stabbed Hernandez-Sanchez to death.

Now New York and Maryland are pointing fingers at each other for dropping the ball on the paperwork.

The Office of the State’s Attorney for Prince George’s County stated, “After the stabbing incident in Prince George’s County where he is alleged to be involved, Corrales-Ramirez evaded authorities and was subsequently labeled a fugitive.

“An arrest warrant was issued in his name.

“In March 2023, he was apprehended by Border Patrol in New York and was held under ICE detention.

“The Office of the State’s Attorney for Prince George’s County took the necessary steps in the extradition process.

“On May 30, 2023, the State’s Attorney signed and subsequently forwarded the requisite extradition application to the court system for the additional required signatures, prior to Corrales-Ramirez’s release on June 21, 2023.

“Regrettably, despite our efforts, we are aware that the application wasn’t received by the Secretary of State in a timely manner, leading to the current situation.

“Currently, we are working together with all of the relevant agencies to modernize and improve upon the extradition process.”

A man is dead because these morons have no clue how to shuffle papers.

Source: Fox News

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