House Speaker McCarthy (R-CA) is a Trump supporter.
That is not exactly a secret.
Now, however, he is going after Ron DeSantis and Trump as his surrogates continue to pound DeSantis.
Put Him Out
I am now convinced that the Trump campaign wants to destroy any possible political future that Ron DeSantis has.
The things they are saying about him will ruin him, and it was not that long ago that all of us saw him as the future of the party and the likely nominee if Trump did not run for office.
McCarthy stated, “President Trump is beating Biden right now in the polls. He is stronger than he has ever been in this process, and, look, I served with Ron DeSantis — he’s not at the same level as President Trump by any shape or form.
“He would not have gotten elected without President Trump’s endorsement.”
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They continue to press this idea that DeSantis owes his entire career to Trump and that his success is all smoke and mirrors.
Does anyone realize that moving forward, all these soundbites will be used against DeSantis?
By the way, he is lying about the polling.
Every national poll has Biden and Trump about even, no more than a point away from each other.
They also happen to be about even in battleground state polls, with Trump leading in five of them, but three of those states are by two percent or less, including Texas.
Biden has the advantage in five states as well, with only one state above three percent.
The general election race is, essentially dead even, so they need to stop lying about this commanding lead they say they have and start to tell the truth.
If you don’t believe me on polling, check out FiveThirtyEight and 270ToWin.