When Penn State picked an investigator, back in 2011, to lead the probe into their high profile Jerry Sandusky sex scandal, they chose Former FBI Director Louis Freeh. At the time, there were accusations of a cover-up but they didn’t really go anywhere. The speculation might have gained more traction if we knew then what we know now, about “One Eye,” the Biden family mole. The Sound of Freedom has been terrifying the crap out of Democrats and things in that movie put the Sandusky scandal in a whole new light, once you connect the dots to Freeh.
Penn State picked Louis Freeh
The special committee appointed internally at Penn State, to “investigate the circumstances” which resulted in grand jury charges against famed coach Jerry Sandusky, chose Louis Freeh to lead the probe.
While the former director of the Federal Bureau of Instigation promised to dig all the way back to 1975, the public wonders now if he reported everything that turned up. Sandusky is already in prison, serving 60 years for charges dating back to 1994. If others should have been, we’ll probably never know.
If you intended to cover something up, Louis Freeh appears to be the perfect one for the job. “The allegations that have been raised and the charges that have been brought are extremely serious,” Freeh said during a press conference. He vowed he was “leaving no stone unturned.”
The Globalists are so desperate- look at the efforts to stop you seeing the Sound of Freedom – why are they so scared of you seeing this movie 🎥
Globalists Pedos are in a panic. #SoundOfFreedom pic.twitter.com/NGCbeT7xhs
— jamiemcintyre (@jamiemcintyre21) August 30, 2023
He quickly “assembled a team of investigators for this case. They include former FBI agents and prosecutors with decades of experience. Freeh added that some of those prosecutors have experience in pedophile cases.” In light of what we know about Freeh now, Someone needs to go back over his final report to Penn State with a fine toothed comb to see if anything might have been missed.
It was reported at the time that the hiring of Freeh comes in the wake of criticism being levied towards Penn State for their initial plans of an internal investigation.
Faculty members were squawking that “the allegations levied in this scandal have indicated cover-up efforts on nearly every level of the university.”
Meet the mole
It was apparently Louis Freeh’s idea to set up “a private consultancy with Hunter and Joe Biden when he ended his vice presidential term.” The one eyed former FBI Director approached the Bidens “offering ‘lucrative future work options,‘” along with “$100,000 to a private trust for Joe’s grandchildren.” That makes some people wonder if he picked something up during his Penn State probe.
It wasn’t long before the family found some work for him. After “Beau’s death in May 2015, Freeh became a board member of the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children.” Funny how they put a former FBI big shot in that particular spot, allegedly “protecting” children. Some people smell pizza in the air.
Freeh soon “teamed up with Hunter” on a $3 million job trying to get the State Department to back off “prosecution of Romanian real estate tycoon Gabriel Popoviciu.” He’s no child but Freeh gave him lots of protection. The Romanian “was on the brink of a bribery conviction in 2015” and the fee he generated “was part of” Hunter Biden’s “total $17.3 million income investigated by the IRS.” Sort of. For over five years, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, representing the Biden home state of Delaware, has allegedly been investigating Hunter Biden. Until a pair of patriotic informants came forward to blow the whistle, Weiss was all set to let Hunter off with no charges at all. That’s because he was a close friend of Hunter’s brother Beau, who once served as Delaware’s Attorney General.
Looks at the timeline. Paterno knew in 2001 and still allowed Sandusky to come into the building with kids long after that. Your eyes are closed. Being in a cult will do that.https://t.co/1wdr5vnCSR
— DMV Terp Fan (@runnerterpfan) August 31, 2023
It turns out that Weiss’ deputy, Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, has close connections to Louis Freeh. He may have been part of the Penn State probe. Hines was one of three assistant prosecutors to endorse Hunter Biden’s plea deal of the century, “indicating he has a central role in Hunter’s criminal prosecution,” Daily Mail reports. On his LinkedIn page, it notes “he previously worked as Special Counsel to ex-FBI director Louis Freeh at his private company, Freeh Group International Solutions.”
Another whistleblowing witness, Gal Luft, was working side-by-side with Hunter Biden and the Chinese on the CEFC project. He’s hiding because he was charged with the FARA felonies that Hunter hasn’t been charged with. That’s the glaring inconsistency the DOJ doesn’t want to talk about. Either they should both be charged or both exonerated because they did the exact same thing at the same time with the same associates.
Luft is also hiding because he outed a mole burrowing through the department of justice on behalf of the Bidens. One leaking information to their Chinese colleagues, for a fee. Penn State wouldn’t be so emphatic about Freeh’s integrity if they knew what Luft currently alleges. That “the conglomerate was paying $100,000 a month to Hunter and $65,000 to first brother Jim Biden, in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world.” One of their “FBI connections” is most certainly Louis Freeh.
Back door access to Joe
Luft confirmed under oath that “around 2017 Hunter used a current or former senior FBI official dubbed ‘One-Eye‘ to get sensitive bureau information and pass it to his Chinese business partners at oil giant CEFC, which was under federal investigation at the time.” Hunter Biden once described Patrick Ho to his dad as “the effing spy chief of China,” so Joe can’t deny he knew the score. An article came out in the New York Times published December 12, 2018. It “reported on Hunter’s dealings with a man called Ye Jianming.” Chairman Ye “led the CEFC China Energy Company until 2018. At that point, he was arrested on charges of corruption and economic crimes by the Chinese government.” At the time, the FBI knew that “Ho was an intelligence agent and they were listening to his phone calls.” The bureau nabbed him at JFK and charged him in Manhattan.
As soon as he got his one phone call, he dialed James Biden. James called his nephew, Hunter, who instantly agreed to be Ho’s lawyer for $1,000,000. “The FBI even raided Ho’s office, got his phones, got his computers, documents. At this point, they didn’t even need Hunter’s laptop” to charge Hunter, Joe and Jim Biden with crimes. If they actually bothered to investigate any. As Tucker Carlson spells out, “in other words, leveraging his father’s position in government to get rich. That’s illegal, right? It’s also a violation of the FARA Act, which the Biden administration has been enforcing against its political enemies.” In all, Hunter Biden allegedly made more than $30 million from entities affiliated with China’s communist government. Joe also got a suite of offices for a think tank called the “Penn Biden Center” but that’s at the separate University of Pennsylvania.
Just before Joe moved in to the Oval Office, One Eye was peddling him around Estonia in what seems a lot like a “shakedown” for more money. Six months’ worth of correspondence revealed to the Estonian public that Louis Freeh’s law firm “traded flattery, veiled threats and obtuse legal back-and-forth – all for €200,000 and a bunch of documents.” As a European reporter wrote at the time, “There is no reason to believe, however, that the legal nature of the correspondence makes for dull reading. The reader is treated to threats, alleged mortal fear on the part of anonymous witnesses and the peculiar way of doing things at the ministry in the 21st century.”
Who is Kathy Chung?
Hired for VP's office by #Hunter in 2012. By 2016 Hunter describes her to ex- FBI director #LouisFreeh as his "Father's gatekeeper".Today she apparently works for @SecDef.
Maybe #FBI can stop chasing PTA moms and Catholics and start doing their job.#Hansen pic.twitter.com/JC1echn9pO— Jack Maxey (@JackMaxey1) August 24, 2023
It was a story about “the largest money laundering scandal in the history of Estonia.” It turns out that their former finance minister Martin Helme “hired Louis Freeh to help unmask the wrongdoing of Scandinavian banks and for Estonia to walk away from the scandal with a substantial payment.” The only problem was Freeh didn’t stay bought. People in government started asking questions and learned “Freeh basically represented the other side even during our investigation, despite certain legal maneuvering.” Did Freeh work both sides of the fence at Penn State? Who knows?
Freeh also has back door access to Joe Biden. “Our President, a friend and Delaware neighbor for 30 years, nevertheless found time to attend Sunday Mass in our Wilmington, Delaware Parish this past Sunday,” Freeh told the Estonians. It means the mole had a secret meeting with Joe, which wasn’t logged on the books. Such a cozy connection has rumors and speculation swirling that Freeh found evidence of someone sniffing around the kids at Penn State besides Sandusky.
After church, Freeh “made ‘excellent‘ progress and established high-level contacts between the Estonian finance ministry and U.S. authorities.” While reminding the Estonians that they’re the best ones for this particular job, he seemed to shake them down. “I believe that our abrupt termination at this point will send confusing and counterproductive messages to the USA authorities.” That could get nasty. “It would be very disadvantageous to Estonia to terminate what is now a very successful undertaking.” The Big Guy is not happy.