Joe Biden

In case you missed this one

Joe Biden and Democrats are not getting their way.

And guess what, they have members of their party to thank for it.

New Hampshire Democrats are not budging on moving the New Hampshire primary from being first-in-the-nation.

We Will Not Comply

The DNC decided that it wanted to move the primary schedule around.

New Hampshire, in its opinion, was not diverse enough for the Democrat Party, so the DNC wanted to move it further down the primary schedule, basically, to make the state’s vote worthless.

As first-in-the-nation, the state gets attention and it has a meaningful primary race.

New Hampshire Democratic Party chair Ray Buckley warned the DNC earlier this year that local Democrats were not going to budge on this.

He stated, “Granite Staters appreciate and respect the responsibility of the over 100-year tradition of the First in the Nation New Hampshire primary.

“They understand New Hampshire has a special place in the history of American politics and their place in it.

“We look forward to continuing that tradition here next year, and in the years to come.”

Biden put forth a new schedule that would have put South Carolina in the lead spot, and the DNC approved it.

At the time, DNC Chair Jamie Harrison had stated, “This committee put together a calendar proposal that reflects our values and will strengthen our party.

“This calendar does what is long overdue. It expands the number of voices in the early window.

“And it elevates diverse communities that are at core of the Democratic Party.”

If this stalemate remains, Joe Biden may not file in New Hampshire, handing the state to one of his challengers.

Buckley stated, “President Biden will not file for election in the New Hampshire primary, which will still go first.

“This will set him up, we believe, for an embarrassing situation where the first primary in the country will be won by someone other than the president.

“This will only fuel chatter of about Democrats divisions.”

Biden will win the nomination, but there is clearly some friction in the party now, so we will have to keep our eyes on this to see how it all plays out.

Source: Fox News

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