If you have been watching Joe Biden on this latest tour, you are well aware the man does not look good. Biden has appeared ghost-white at times, clearly low on energy. While speaking, he often seems confused, as this grind is simply too much for him.
Time to Go
How anyone can support his man being re-elected is baffling. It is shameful that Democrats continue to run him and the other elderly members of Congress out there when they should be home, retired. The Republicans do the same, with Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley, just to name two, that should have been retired long ago.
Biden now has to use the lower steps on Air Force One because he continues to trip up the steps when he boards the plane using the regular steps. During his Hanoi speech, which he gave after the G20 Summit in India, Biden was clueless.
He looked frail, gave a rambling answer, then told everyone he wanted to go to bed.
As he started to talk more, his microphone was cut and Karine Jean-Pierre ran in to call it a day.
If Dems keep running this man out there, he will die in office. Of that I have no doubt.
It’s not that I have any sympathy for him, but I would much prefer he dies in prison, exposed as a corrupt politician than in the Oval Office and be treated like a hero.
Source: Breitbart