As you all know by now, Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday, and Democrats have already anointed Kamala Harris as the second coming.
This is an unprecedented move by the Democrat Party, removing a primary candidate after the nomination was won.
Not that it justifies this corrupt move, but there are two main reasons why Biden dropped out.
Get Out of the Race, Joe
What Dems are doing should be illegal, make no mistake about that.
They have circumvented the American voter and tossed the Constitution in the trash with this move.
Reason one… the money train was drying up.
There was a reported $100 million on the sidelines that refused to commit until Joe Biden dropped out of the race.
Reason two… Biden was getting slaughtered in every battleground state, and that was after spending about $150 million in campaign funds.
The latest poll from the Detroit Free Press this past weekend showed Biden down by seven points, and Joe was trailing in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well, which means he had no path to victory.
So, the elite of the party more than likely told Joe that if he did not withdraw from the race, they would use the 25th Amendment against him and have him removed from office.
His reward for playing along and endorsing Kamala would be to finish out his term without that embarrassment, and Biden caved.
Notice how quiet Jill Biden has been since this news broke?
Biden did not to this for the good of the country, he did it to save his legacy.
But again, this move is about as undemocratic as it gets and it is unprecedented in this history of our country… let’s not lose sight of the fact that at best, this is election fraud, but it should be illegal.