Last week, the White House published its latest clemency list.
Now, the Biden administration would love us all to believe that these were “nothing” drug convictions that deserved to be overturned.
That, however, is far from the case.
Letting Criminals Go
The list had 16 names on it, which included 11 pardons and five commutations.
Every year in this country, roughly 100,000 people overdose.
I bring this up because the people pardoned by Biden were not marijuana convictions, but coke, crack, and heroin dealers.
One of the pardons issued was for a man who was dealing drugs within 1,000 yards of a school.
Another individual who was pardoned was selling both crack and cocaine, as well as having a felony firearms conviction.
Another man had been convicted of possession with conspiracy to distribute heroin.
These are hardened criminals, who were dealing drugs that are killing Americans every day, and Joe Biden just set them all free.
We all know why this is taking place… the election.
Biden is losing leftist votes for backing Israel over Palestine and Hamas, so this would appear to be how he plans on winning back that vote as well as the minority vote, which he is also losing.
At some point, people will figure out exactly how racist this is by this administration and Democrats in general.
Every time they want to score points with minorities, they go soft on crime, with the implication being that is the only way they can win minorities over.
For minorities that are law-abiding citizens, this is about as big a slap in the face as Biden can give them, falling back on a horrible stereotype to score points.
Something tells me this is the election when the entire country finally wakes up to this charade.