Criminals and thieves are getting bolder with each passing day and week when it comes to just taking stuff and walking out of stores without paying.
I saw it just the other day. I was in Walmart and there was a guy who got caught trying to shoplift a sixty-inch television.
Yes, a big ol’ television. He had a blue Walmart vest on, and so at first glance, people thought he was an employee. Then he went into the back and loaded the television onto a dolly and tried walking out of the store with it.
He never figured on the store manager being at the front door and having no idea who the heck he was. I gotta admit, I give the man points for originality.
Anyway, thanks in part to laws enacted by Democratic politicians in blue states, shoplifting is almost becoming the Saturday afternoon activity for a lot of people.
You have to actually steal so much now that it is almost more trouble than it is worth for stores to go after people.
Which is really awful because it is one of the million reasons why prices in retail outlets are going up is that they have to counter for their lost merchandise costs. That five hundred bucks for the stolen television has to come from somewhere.
Of course, that doesn’t mean by any stretch of the imagination that every store out there is going to be an easy target.
Sometimes the stores will actually fight back, and sometimes other customers will join in to help them.
For example, there was an incident recently at a Tennessee outlet mall where law-abiding shoppers actually banded together to keep a group of thieves sitting put until the police arrived.
This took place at the Tanger Outlets in Tennessee when four thugs entered a perfume store adorned in hoodies and facemasks trying to shoplift from the store.
They began ransacking the store and while this was going on people at the outlet mall noticed what was going on and barricaded the front door to the shop preventing the thugs from leaving with the stolen merchandise.
The best part of this is that they kept stealing from the store while trying in vain to find a way out.
@ptodropout This really just happened! Tanger outlet, nashville #robbery #caughtoncamera #crazy #cops ♬ original sound – Girl Boss
It took the cops about a half hour to arrive which unfortunately allowed the thieves time enough to break open the back door to the store and flee.
They might have won this round, but they definitely made sure that their faces were seen and that their capture will be imminent.