Elevator Thug Gets Rude Awakening [VIDEO]


I know this sounds like advice everyone already knows, but don’t harass people, especially in an elevator.

Simply put, don’t be a jerk. I mean, unless someone is outwardly acting a fool and needs to be shut down; leave folks alone.

Be polite. You never know what kind of day someone else is having or what someone else is going through.

Give you an example, I was in a grocery store yesterday and was making small talk about running an air conditioner using a solar generator with this old fella in line in front of me. We had about a five minute wait because the person in front of us seemed like she was buying for the whole town.

He checks out, then I check out. As I am walking to my car he stops me and shakes my hand. He then tells me that his brother had just passed away the week before and it was the first conversation he’d had since then that wasn’t talk about the funeral.

You never know what someone is going through, and you also never know what special skills someone has to keep themselves out of a bad situation.

Give you an example, there was an incident in China recently where a woman was in an elevator minding her own business when a man got into the elevator.

The elevator door closes and after a brief moment, the man tries to effectively sexually assault the woman.

She pushes him off and he retreats to another corner of the elevator. Then, he tried to assault her again.

She then unleashed absolute hell on him and kicked the ever-loving crap right out of this absolute piece of garbage.

As you can see in the video above, it was a pretty good violent butt-kicking. Some folks that I showed this to thought that the video was staged.

The problem with that is that if this was taken directly from security camera footage you would have needed the cooperation of the building the elevator was in.

Second, and this is the reason why you shouldn’t mess with people you don’t know…this woman was a trained kickboxer who was well versed in up close fighting in small spaces.

I mean, watch the video again. The woman moved with the precision of a surgeon.

Stuff like this is one of the reasons why you should never mess with other people. You don’t know what they are dealing with or what tools they have at their disposal.

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