Wind turbines have definitely been a topic of conversation in the past several years due to the incessant insistence of the Biden Administration wanting to switch over to so called green energy.
The problem with these green energy initiatives is that on an individual basis, a wind turbine or solar panels might be a good backup plan.
In the interest of full disclosure, I own a small wind turbine and a couple of solar panels that I keep on hand in the event of power outages.
They are basically there to keep my backup generators fully charged if a power outage ever happens.
Living in Florida, the threat of power outages is constant during hurricane season.
On an individual basis, they are perfectly fine.
However, it is when you get into the idea that they should be the power source for everyone is when you get into problems.
First of all, they are not nearly as efficient as people might think. Second of all, these wind turbines that people like Biden are insisting on are absolutely massive.
Where mine I can fold up and up in the trunk of my car, the ones that they expect to power large cities need a massive truck to be able to transport even part of it.
As you probably know, the more of something that there is in the world, the greater the chance that there will be an accident as a result of it.
Recently in China, there was an accident that took place that could only be described as horrifically tragic.
A van was traveling on a highway when a wind turbine blade that was being transported via truck on the same highway poked through the van and ended up killing two of the people in the van.
These things are basically a giant piece of metal, so it must have been like a knife going through a ripe tomato when the accident took place.
❗💥🇨🇳 – A fatal accident occurred in China when a wind turbine blade being transported on a truck collided with a minibus on the road, resulting in the deaths of two people.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) July 5, 2024
According to eyewitness reports, the blade of the turbine went straight through the front of the vehicle all the way to the back.
You can’t possibly blame politicians like Joe Biden or Barack Obama for what is a simple freak accident but you have to wonder if this would have happened if there wasn’t such a ludicrous demand for these useless wind turbines.