Video: Family Photo At Walt Disney World Takes A Violent Turn

Disney World is a place of magical memories and family fun, but one incident recently captured on video proves that not all patrons are behaving in the appropriate way.

On a Monday afternoon at around 2:30 pm at the Magic Kingdom, an altercation broke out between two families after one group refused another’s simple request for a photo opportunity.

The incident quickly spiraled out of control as members from both groups threw punches, resulting in at least one person being treated for injuries while bystanders pulled out their phones to record what was happening.

In the end, two people were banned from Disney World and no charges were pressed due to the victim declining prosecution.

The story goes that an unidentified family group was strolling through Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida when they decided to pause for a group photo in front of a sign and decorative garden arrangement at the park.

A larger family had already stepped into this spot, however, preventing them from taking their picture without obstruction.

So, doing as many would do in this situation, the first family asked that other group to move over briefly so they could take an unobstructed photo by the theme park sign.

Unfortunately rather than comply with this request – which any reasonable person would have done – one man from the second larger group responded by punching someone from among the first family in the face instead.

This shocking action provoked further fighting between both camps as staff members frantically called for backup and onlookers began filming with their phones.

Ultimately Disney staff arrived on scene to separate them and two people were issued trespass warnings meaning they are no longer welcome on property and if they try returning again arrests will be made.

It’s sad to think that something like this happened within such an iconic destination known for its magical memories and family-friendly values.

It’s more upsetting still when you consider there were young children present who had no choice but witness adults acting disgracefully towards one another over something so minimalistic like wanting access to take a photograph.

It begs us all question how grown individuals can stoop so low – having such little regard or respect for themselves or others around them – simply because someone asked them politely move out of frame momentarily.

This is certainly not behavior condoned by Disney nor anyone else either as visitors are expected abide by certain guidelines.

No vacation should ever end up like this.

Fights don’t resolve anything and only serve to create even more problems than those previously existing, yet some people choose act foolishly anyway.

Everyone involved here deserves an apology regardless of whether charges were pressed or not because innocent people had their happy experiences disrupted needlessly by a senseless brawl nobody wanted to see play out in first place.

Let this serve as a reminder to us to be respectful others’ needs even if we don’t agree with them.

No one should act the way these adults did.

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