New Details Surface on Obama Chef’s Mysterious Death


The Edgarton, MA Police Department recently released police reports that were obtained under the Massachusetts Public Records Law. These records uncovered by Judicial Watch demonstrate how the Secret Service was involved in the disappearance and eventual death of President Obama’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell. Campbell disappeared near Martha’s Vineyard on July 23rd, 2023.

His clothing was found apart from his body and a life vest was not used. The computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incident report dated July 23 states that a Secret Service Agent reported that swimmers were unable to locate the party at that time and gave details about what he had been wearing when last seen.

A computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incident report read: “Secret Service Agent [redacted] adv swimmers unable to locate the party at this time. Party last scene [sic] wearing all black, on a paddle board, African American male.

Rev’vd a 911 call from the above noted RP [reporting person] who identified as a Secret Service member. RP is req [requesting] at least an ambulance response, unsure of the exact services needed.

RP advd best access is from the residence, they are deploying a rescue swimmer and a zodiac boat right now. RP adv no lifevest was worn, they have recovered the paddle board and clothing. Still no contact with missing party. They still have a boat and rescue swimmers in the area.”

A 911 call from a reporting person who identified as a member of Secret Service was received requesting an ambulance response but unsure of other services needed. A rescue swimmer and zodiac boat were deployed immediately in an effort to find him while no life vest had been worn or contact made with him yet.

The Oak Bluffs Fire Department deployed a dive team soon after along with both Coast Guard and state police helicopters in the air searching for him. Police Chief Bruce McNamee redacted the names of witness and agent upon request from Massachusetts State Police as noted in accompanying email released with documents.

Search base operations were set up at Wilson’s Landing which included dive teams from Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, and West Tisbury actively looking for Campbell until 11PM when search efforts ceased due to lack of results.

Sonar technology eventually located Campbell’s body at first light the next day as now the investigation is handled by Massachusetts State Police and Cape Islands District Attorney’s Office.

Sgt. William Bishop released this statement: “Once on location [Wilson’s Landing] we established a command post. I requested through MSP a search helicopter, and Chief Schaeffer requested a USCG helicopter as well. Search & Dive teams from Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, West Tisbury responded via mutual aid. An extensive search began for several hours. A last known location was established, and Trooper Shaw of MSP also assisted with operations.

I instructed Officer Guest and Officer Dacey to commence a shoreline search effort starting from the closest house and working outward. Both Officers checked every house with waterfront access in the search area. Unfortunately, the search did not yield and results.

Both air wings conducted a search until their fuel supply forced a return to base.

At or about 11PM the dive and land search was suspended. Edgartown and Oak Bluffs Fire planned to continue a grid search by boat for the remainder of the night. At first light, dive team operations will continue. During the duration of this incident the entrance to Wilson’s Landing was closed as to give responders room to work.

The next morning the dive team search continued, and a deceased Mr. Campbell was located using sonar. The investigation will now be handled by Massachusetts State Police and The Cape and Islands District Attorney’s Office. No further action.”

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, had this to say regarding the newly released police records:

“It is concerning that Judicial Watch had to push and push for information on this tragic death, such as the new revelation that the Obama’s Secret Service protection reported Mr. Campbell missing.”

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