Arizona Judge Drops Election BOMBSHELL… It Was ILLEGAL

Election Ballot
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A very common practice used throughout Arizona to validate ballot signatures is now in question. An Arizona judge is now saying that the entire process currently used is illegal. If the decision holds up, it will require sweeping changes before the next election.

Not Legal

Yavapai County Superior Court Judge John Napper just turned the state of Arizona on its ear. He stated that the law is “clear and unambiguous” on this matter. He was referring to the law that ballot signatures are supposed to be compared to the voter registration card.

What has been happening, however, is that officials are using other documents received to compare signatures.

The current guidelines issued by the Secretary of State say that election officials “should also consult additional known signatures from other official election documents in the voter’s registration record, such as signature rosters or early ballot request forms.”

Pima County Recorder Gabriella Cazares-Kelly tried to explain why they use additional records to verify signatures.

She stated, “As everybody should know, signatures vary by time and place and how much time you have.

“You will change your signature a number of times throughout your life, going from adolescent to full adulthood.”

She added, “Every single time we receive something in writing, it goes into their voter file.

“So every single thing that has a signature on it, it is another indication, another touch point, another opportunity to update what those signatures look like.”

Something tells me that Napper’s decision is going to get overturned on appeal.

Either that or legislators will end up changing the laws to match the current policy of the Secretary of State.

Source: AZ Capitol Times

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