Jennifer Lopez STUNS On Sandy Beach

jennifer lopez

Jennifer Lopez is definitely one of those people that you have to wonder what kind of secret anti aging serum that she drinks three times a day.

I mean, let’s be real, the woman does not look her age.

I mean, it could be due to the fact that she has millions of dollars and get the best for herself that money can buy, but there is only so much that consumer products can do for a person.

Maybe it’s the vacation she recently went on.

During a recent Caribbean vacation, some intrepid photographers snapped some photos of her that prove that this women is giving the finger to the sands of time.

Ben Affleck is definitely one lucky man. I have to think to some of the people that she was with in the past and wonder what the heck they were thinking letting her go.

Black is one of those colors that she definitely could hold a patent on because it is definitely hers all the way.

Did I mention how lucky Ben Affleck is?

Shoot, it seems that the colors that she could hold a patent on is not limited to just black.

The woman looks great in white, and although these were the only two colors the photographers snapped her wearing I would stand to believe that the woman would look great no matter what color she happened to be wearing.

I’ve never wished I was a grain of sand until looking at this woman. Truly stunning for any age.

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