Joe Biden’s Secret Medical Meeting Exposed..

Joe Biden

Common sense would have you believe that the person in the world whose movements are documented the most would have to be Joe Biden.

I mean, like it or not he is the President of the United States. Now, I know that he got there through “funny” means, but that’s neither here nor there.

Almost every word he says in public should be documented. Every movement he makes should be documented. If he has the flu, it should be documented.

I mean, let’s look at the flipside of all of this. Remember when Donald Trump contracted COVID in the fall of 2020? The mainstream media would not shut up about it.

Hell, I am pretty sure I turned Cartoon Network on for my youngest son one day and they were talking about it.

My point is, the medical status of the President of the United States is something that should be public knowledge.

I know there are some people that actually think that every meal that he eats should be documented, but I chalk that up to folks that have too much time on their hands.

Anyway, another one of the things that is documented in relation to any President of the United States is who is coming and going from the White House.

If the head of some big tech firm has a meeting with Joe Biden, it is written down in a visitors log.

If the winners of this year’s World Series come to have lunch with Joe Biden, it is written down in a visitors log.

If a Parkinson’s doctor comes to see Joe Biden on a hush hush appointment than…Oh, yes.

Recently a Parkinson’s doctor came to the White House to examine Joe Biden as part of the fallout from his horrific performance at the debate in June against Donald Trump where he did everything but soil himself on live television.

I have to admit, a doctor seeing a sitting President of the United States in the White House is nothing new. It’s not like the Chief Executive can drive down to the local urgent care.

However, the idea that a Parkinson’s expert is meeting privately with Joe Biden and the White House isn’t exactly advertising that it happened is just another instance of them trying to hide the fact that something is desperately wrong with Joe Biden.

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