Deadly Deli Meat Prompts Recall


One thing that the majority of Americans have in common is that we all have to go to a deli every so often.

For some of us, it’s almost a daily occurrence. For others, you might go every once in a great while to get things for when you are having company over.

As for myself, I will find myself at my neighborhood deli at least twice a week. One day will be getting lunch meats and cheeses for the week, another is usually buying sandwiches before movie night with the family.

Heck, now that I have one of those fancy car refrigerators, I end up bringing lunch meat and some cheese on the road with my while I am traveling so I can make sandwiches and avoid the fast food places as much as possible.

One of the most popular companies when it comes to deli products is Boar’s Head.

Speaking truthfully, they are my chosen brand and the news I am about to tell you hits especially close to home.

U.S. health officials announced a recall of several Boar’s Head meat products as they investigate a listeria outbreak that has sickened nearly three dozen people and killed two.

In particular, the company’s liverwurst and bologna have been targeted as part of the recall.

Listeria can contaminate food and sicken people who eat it. Symptoms include fever, muscle aches, nausea and diarrhea. It can be treated with antibiotics, but it is especially dangerous to pregnant women, newborns, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

This listeria outbreak is one of the things that happens every now and again and it is one of those things that highlights the need for vigilant food safety standards.

It is also making me rethink what brand I am getting my deli meat from. The last thing that I really need is being on the road traveling and making a sandwich and falling ill.

That being said, it is comforting that Boar’s Head is taking the proper steps to make sure something like this happens again.

All in all, they do make a quality product and it seems like more a horrible thing that just happened to them as opposed to out and out carelessness.

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