I think that it would be safe to say that the biggest threat to the power of the United States would be China.
I mean, all you have to do is look at some of the moves that China has made in recent years and you can just feel that they are gearing up for something.
However, Democrats within the government have been trying to act like China isn’t really all that big of a deal.
Hell, they almost seem like they are welcoming them in with open arms to slowly take over every aspect of American life.
That being said, it seems to be that leaders in the American government may be finally understanding the threat that China poses to life in these United States.
This new level of understanding comes after lawmakers on the Commission on National Defense Strategy spent over a year working on U.S. defense strategy.
A new report released has strongly speculated that the United States could very well find itself facing an apocalyptic defeat at the hands of China.
“The Commission finds that, in many ways, China is outpacing the United States and has largely negated the U.S. military advantage in the Western Pacific through two decades of focused military investment,” the report said.
Here’s the thing about China. They only have to focus on the Pacific region in terms of military capability.
Unlike other world powers, they only have to worry about what is to the east of them, in this case our great nation.
In a world where you can get from China to the United States in an airplane in a matter of hours, they only have to focus on going in one direction.
Now, this is just only one aspect of their big plan to try and overtake the United States.
Look at the number of Chinese corporations that have been slowly buying everything in the United States from stakes in massive companies to small farms.
They are aiming to eventually make us beholden to communist rule.
Don’t believe me? Look at TikTok. They have convinced people that it is as important as the electricity that runs your house.
We need to keep a sharp eye on China every waking minute of the day.