When most people think of Disneyland, they conjure up images of happy families and carefree fun.
But for Brittni Medina, a recent visit to the theme park didn’t quite go as planned.
While standing in line with her young son and husband, she did what many nursing mothers do – feed her baby from her breasts.
However, this simple act did not sit well with some onlookers who made loud criticisms regarding Medina’s decision to breastfeed in public.
Instead of ignoring them or moving away to a more private spot, she asked her husband to take a picture which captured the angry women in the background.
Medina took to social media to post about the incident stating, “These ladies were so angry by it my husband just had to take a picture. Peep the haters. Characters of the day. Just had to get a picture!”
In an interview, Medina discussed how she, “actually stepped a little over to get them in the picture because they were talking loudly saying how I should go to the restroom to feed. I was happy my husband could capture me and my son happily feeding and I thought the looks on their faces were priceless. I mean, how could they be so mad?”
Some may argue that two wrongs don’t make a right but let’s delve into this incident.
It is important to keep in mind that breastfeeding is just one way a mother can nurture her child – it doesn’t determine whether or not she loves them any less than someone who chooses to bottle-feed their infant instead.
There are numerous benefits associated with breastfeeding including improved immunity and higher IQ scores among other things so it should be celebrated rather than shamed – no matter where it takes place.
That being said, there are certain situations where discretion is key such as religious ceremonies or board meetings for example.
Certain places require more modesty than others so those need to be taken into consideration when deciding how best to proceed in these types of scenarios.
There have been heated debates over how much freedom women should have when it comes to parenting decisions like breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding amongst other topics related thereto.
In this particular case, Brittni Medina was simply doing what any mother would do – feeding her hungry child – yet she was chastised by strangers for doing so publicly rather than somewhere else more private such as the restroom.
This speaks volumes about how society views women in general, especially those who choose not adhere strictly adhere by traditional gender stereotypes.
It also serves as an example of why we need better laws protecting nursing mothers’ rights.
At the end of the day, all parties involved could benefit from showing some compassion towards one another regardless if they agree on everything or not.
As for Brittni Medina’s response, while asking your husband take a photo antagonizing onlookers isn’t necessarily wrong per se, it definitely isn’t condoned either due its potential impact on furthering negative stereotypes about breastfeeding moms.
If anything, maybe this incident will serve as an example why we need greater awareness surrounding issues such as these throughout our communities.
After all , two wrongs don’t make a right.
What are your thoughts on this incident?