Doctor Uncovers Biden’s Secret Regarding His Health…

Joe Biden

There’s something strange about Joe Biden. Well, correction, there’s a lot of strange things about him, but one thing in particular has really stood out. The former Vice President, now President has been in politics for over 50 years, yet his face still looks surprisingly young.

What exactly is going on here? Is he a Benjamin Button of sorts?

Let’s investigate.

If you look at pictures of Joe Biden from the early 1970s, you can see that he was almost completely bald on top. Nowadays, however, he has a much fuller head of hair. This was one of the first signs to make California plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie suspect that something else is at play here.

As Dr Motykie said in a recent video: “I think he’s had a significant amount of plastic surgery throughout his career” and cites “the unnaturalness to [Biden’s] hairline and the way that the hair was grafted” as evidence for his theory.


Has President Biden undergone plastic surgery? Here is what I think 💭 #PresidentBiden #Biden #BidenPresident #CelebrityPlasticSurgery #PlasticSurgeryGoneWrong #MensPlasticSurgery #MalePlasticSurgery #PoliticalTikTok #PlasticSurgeonReacts #PlasticSurgeryNews #PlasticSurgeryExpert #CosmeticSurgery #CelebrityBeforeAndAfter #FacialPlasticSurgeon #FacialPlasticSurgery #HairTransplant #BotchedPlasticSurgery #UnitedStatesPolitics #JoeBiden

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Dr. Motykie believes that other aspects of Biden’s appearance could also be attributed to plastic surgery such as his “pixie ears, forehead and neck wrinkles, and changing eye shape” which indicate various procedures like facelift, brow lift, touch-ups with Botox and fillers etc.

He even estimated that all this work would have cost up to $100 000 in today’s dollars if it were done in Beverly Hills.

North Carolina Rep Greg Murphy has also speculated about this on Fox Business claiming that Biden may have had “so much Botox” but said nothing about any actual procedures being performed on him – perhaps wisely so.

The Daily Mail interviewed surgeons who claimed back in 2019 that changes were made to Biden’s “hairline, filled in the wrinkles on his face and forehead, and installed dental veneers”.

It appears that many people believe President Joe Biden’s youthful looks can be attributed to multiple surgeries over the years although no one knows for sure if this is true.

It’s obvious Biden didn’t discover the fountain of youth. So is Joe really addicted to plastic surgery like some suspect or is something else going on here?

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