One Bold Leader’s Plan to Reclaim Zombie Infested Unsanitary Cities


Donald Trump just announced his plan to rescue American cities from the zombie apocalypse, proving again that our “Once and Future President” is the only real “leader” showing up on political radar. “Our once-great cities have become unlivable, unsanitary nightmares,” Trump declares. Places like San Francisco have been “surrendered to the homeless, the drug addicted, and the violent and dangerously deranged.” What used to be called “ordinary citizens,” back when America was Great, “suffer for the whims of a deeply unwell few.” It shouldn’t be that way.

The Agenda47 plan

Donald Trump has a plan. Since the evil forces of darkness behind the globalist scheme for world domination have their own “Agenda 2030,” Trump and his deplorable supporters are countering it with Agenda47.

We’re truly in a war of “Biblical” proportions against Alexander Soros and his satanic followers. Meanwhile, “for a small fraction of what we spend upon Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America.

President Trump assures that once he regains his rightful place at the head of our national administration he’ll be partnering with state officials “to ban urban camping, offering violators the option to either receive treatment and rehabilitation or face arrest.” That’s only one small part of his plan. “We will use every tool, lever, and authority to get the homeless off our streets.

Lawless anarchy has reached such an extreme that it calls for an extreme response. “We want to take care of them, but they have to be off our streets. There is nothing compassionate about letting these individuals live in filth and squalor rather than getting them the help they need.” Trump promises to round up “professionals to help them.” Not enable them to kill themselves slowly on the sidewalk.

That part of the plan calls for opening up “large parcels of inexpensive land.” On those, he’ll “bring in doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, and drug rehab specialists, and create tent cities where the homeless can be relocated and their problems identified.” Prior to the end of the Vietnam War, laws against “vagrancy” were strictly enforced.

Since then, those laws were considered unfair criminalization of “status.” We still have laws against things like public intoxication but they’re rarely enforced. Trump’s solution does not treat the homeless or addicted as “criminals.” Instead they’re “patients” with “unmet needs.

Proper care of the mentally ill

Rather than dumping those with serious mental illness on the street to fend for themselves, “President Trump will bring back mental institutions to house and rehabilitate those who are severely mentally ill or dangerously deranged with the goal of reintegrating them back into society.

Liberal Democrats are sure to scream in horror when they hear this news but even they have to admit that nobody else even has the inkling of a plan. San Francisco just surrendered the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building to the zombies. Most of the once vibrant downtown sits vacant because the crime has chased away the community.

Another factor is the overwhelming invasion of poorly screened refugees from around the world. Trump has a plan for that, too. “By ending the mass unskilled migration at our borders and ending the endless flow of American treasure to Ukraine, we will be able to provide the resources and opportunities needed to help America’s homeless veterans, who are currently treated poorly.

By focusing on the root causes rather than the symptoms, “President Trump will end the scourge of homelessness and make our cities clean, safe, and beautiful once again.

Instead of catering to the whims of anarchists, American citizens will get their nation back. “The homeless have no right to turn every park and sidewalk into a place for them to squat and do drugs. Americans should not have to step over piles of needles and waste as they walk down a street.

According to President Trump, “our first consideration should be the rights and safety of the hardworking, law-abiding citizens who make our society function.” That’s his plan and he’s sticking to it.

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