Citizens Form Angry Mob to Block Staten Island Migrant Settlement


Legitimate citizens and taxpayers on Staten Island told New York City’s Mayor where to shove the bus load of illegal invaders he tried to drop on their doorstep. They took to the streets in an angry mob Tuesday night, September 19, “to physically block the arrival of an MTA bus carrying asylum seekers.

Citizens turn ‘ugly’

When “outraged” Staten Island citizens took to the streets, they were such an unruly mob that New York City Mayor Eric Adams described the scene as “ugly.” They weren’t about to let that bus unload it’s cargo of resource gobbling illegals who aren’t even allowed to work.

They were supposed to be warehoused at taxpayer expense in a newly converted shelter which served as “Island Shores senior assisted living facility” until COVID killed off all the patients.

Video has been circulating around which shows “the group of unruly protesters” just before 10 p.m. “wailing and banging on the sides of the bus.” When it was spotted, they halted traffic to intercept it.

According to police, 10 Staten Island citizens were hauled away in cuffs, “with nine being issued summonses for disorderly conduct.” The tenth was identified as 48-year-old Vadim Belyakov. They charged him with “allegedly assaulting an officer who was trying to make an arrest.

A “large gathering” of Staten Island citizens assembled in protest “outside the facility at Father Capodanno Boulevard.” More video depicts “people whistling and screaming.” The popular phrases were “You’re not welcome!” and “You are illegal!

They also carried signs and kept chanting “USA! USA! USA!” One agitated protester came equipped with a megaphone to denounce the drop shipped migrants.

No fights reported

Police were nervous enough about the howling mob of enraged citizens voicing their opinions while banging on the surrounded bus but thankfully, none of them resorted to violence.

Unlike the Antifa® affiliated anarchists of previous years, these homeowners with a stake in their neighborhood community aren’t mindless barbarians out to destroy things for the fun of it. “No physical altercations were reported with any migrants or bus personnel.

Eric Adams was forced to go on TV Wednesday morning to criticize the riot before other New York citizens start getting similar ideas. He called the “chaotic demonstration” an “ugly display.

He wanted to underscore that the vast majority of New Yorkers are liberals who can’t wait to bend over backwards in providing sanctuary to those from everywhere on the planet. The upset mob is “a very small group of New Yorkers” who do not “represent the city’s residents as a whole.

We have 8.3 million New Yorkers and we cannot allow the numerical minority that shows an ugly display of how we deal with crisis be used as an example of what New Yorkers are doing. Of course, New Yorkers are frustrated, New Yorkers are really concerned.

He wants the citizens to get behind his adopt a migrant program. Instead of anger at sheltering them in a nursing home, they can have live-in nannies and landscapers. The city would be happy to pay them a fair price for the housing, since they get it back from FEMA anyway.

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