Fauci Caught Red Handed, NO Wiggling Out of It This Time


Throughout the length of the COVID pandemic, liberals everywhere extolled the virtues of Anthony Fauci like he was the second coming.

Off the bat, I am not going to say that Fauci is a dumb person. Far from it.

Being completely real, you have to be pretty smart to be as maliciously evil as Fauci is. You don’t see that many people who are absolute dummies get into positions of power such as the one that he had.

I mean, during the height of the COVID hysteria he was looked at almost as an authority on how the United States should be run higher than President Trump.

If Facui told people that they would be able to keep from getting COVID by standing on their heads for ten minutes a day, there are people that would have done it.

Then we get to one of the biggest “huh” moments of the whole COVID response, the six foot rule.

Remember how for months on end, and in some cases going into a second year, anywhere you went you had to be at least six feet away from the person next to you in line?

Yeah. that really produced some interesting results at a gas station I went to one time where there was a line out the door, in the pouring rain.

Now, you would think that something so specific as a six foot rule would have been something that they would have come up with after exhaustive research or at the very least a keenly thought-out hypothesis…right?

Well, not really. You see, at recent Congressional testimony, Fauci admitted that he made the whole six foot rule up.

There was no science involved in the decision to make that the standard. It was someone just saying something because it sounded good.

You remember when you were on vacation with your parents and you asked why you couldn’t sit in the front seat, and your dad would say “because I said so”?

That is what Fauci did to the whole country, and he did it in a way that affected the lives of countless people.

I would almost have understood if there was actual science behind the decision.

The fact that he made the whole thing up is just beyond insulting.

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