Mother’s Shocking Punishment for Torturing Baby


A mother from Oregon has been sentenced to thirty days in jail for abusing her baby. Sharday McDonald, 30, subjected her thirteen-month-old infant to waterboarding and putting him in a freezer “out of spite” to test the loyalty of the boy’s father.

“I’m about to show you real quick. You don’t want him? Let me show you about this little f***ing baby, I don’t f***ing give f*** about,” McDonald reportedly screamed at the father of the baby sometime before this particular incident.

The abuse occurred in October 2021 and McDonald pleaded guilty in July 2023 to first-degree criminal mistreatment. She will also be on supervised probation for three years after she is released from jail.

McDonald was initially charged with tampering with a witness, identity theft, and criminal mistreatment related to this incident. On October 28th, 2021 police received a tip that McDonald had put her baby in the freezer of her Gresham home, and when officers responded they heard her yelling at the baby’s father.

When officers saw McDonald holding the baby she told them that she “wasn’t trying to hurt, harm or kill” him by drowning him or putting him in the freezer. However, an officer testified that he saw a photo of her holding the infant by his onesie at an angle where his hip, legs, and feet were higher than his head while water poured over his face which suggested he couldn’t breathe – potentially leading to death if not stopped immediately.

A physician also testified that it looked like the child was trying to hold his breath as water poured over his face, proving how serious this situation could have been for such an innocent little life. Despite all these horrific acts committed against him, the baby survived this abuse thanks to swift action taken by authorities.

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