The subject of weight loss and how to lose weight properly is one of those things that medical experts and fitness gurus alike have been trying to tackle for decades.
The best way of course is through diet and exercise.
It’s amazing what changing one or two things in your diet or exercise pattern will do when it comes to shedding a few pounds.
Give you an example. About five years ago I lost about twenty-five pounds over the course of three months and didn’t really alter my life all that much.
What I did was simple. I cut two things out of my diet entirely.
For starters, I stopped drinking sodas with any kind of sugar in them.
The second thing was that I began walking around my neighborhood for about an hour every night. No big time aerobic workout. Nothing particularly strenuous.
I just did those two things and over the course of three months managed to lose twenty-five pounds.
Now, there are some people that for whatever reason can’t do that or have some sort of medical condition that causes them to put on weight when it might not exactly been their idea.
Diabetics partiucalry have that problem and as such they have to really watch their diet like nobody’s business.
I have a member of my extended family who is diabetic that writes down exactly everything they eat throughout the day. If they go to church and swallow a communion wafer, they write that down too.
But a lot of the people that have had weight issues due to other existing conditions have had some help in recent years due in part to weight loss drugs like Ozempic.
You’ve probably seen the commercials. Personally, the idea that I would have to stick myself with a needle once a week is something that doesn’t exactly appeal to me.
Then there is another problem. Apparently one of the ingredients in the drug may cause blindness in some Ozempic users.
Which begs the question, what good is it to look good if you can’t see that you look good?
That’s why I think when it comes to keeping my weight under control I think I’ll just stick to long walks and eating my vegetables.