Ukraine Official Spills the Beans, It’s GAME OVER


Former Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin is getting his 15 minutes. Shokin is now doing US media to tell the country that Joe Biden orchestrated his firing. Shokin, if you recall, was the prosecutor that Biden had fired before he would release aid to Ukraine as the vice president.

He’s Corrupt

Biden has never hidden the fact that he held the aid for Ukraine like a carrot in front of a donkey. The moment he heard about the investigation into Burisma, he pressured the president to fire Shokin. If fact, Biden has bragged about this on numerous occasions.

Well, now Shokin is answering back.

He stated, “I have said repeatedly in my previous interviews that Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then Vice President Biden because I was investigating Burisma.”

He continued, “You understood me correctly, this is how it was.

“There were no complaints whatsoever and no problems with how I was performing at my job.

“But because pressure was repeatedly put on [then-Ukrainian President Petro] Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.”

The gaslighting by Democrats and their influencers has already started, trying to discredit Shokin as much as possible.

Now, I don’t know that much about this guy, but he has to be heard, and if he can produce evidence against Biden, well, that is the smoking gun.

Source: Fox News

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