Uncle Sam just found out that he’s been sitting on a bonanza of lithium. Before he runs off to buy a mansion in Beverly Hills, he needs to keep the Paiutes off the warpath over it. The area has already seen “protests from the native tribe and court challenges over the last three years.” That was because geologists were digging test holes like gophers. They were out prospecting frantically until they made the big discovery. Let the rush begin!
Lithium in them thar hills
The white gold of lithium has been mined from the formation for ages, near the northern part of the McDermitt Caldera, which sits on the Oregon side of the border. It’s found alongside uranium and mercury. With electric cars an absolute must have for Democrats, car makers need to secure a huge stash of the metal. it’s crucial for those expensive batteries which keep catching on fire.
We thought we were going to be forced fight the Chinese for the South American supply, because we only had crumbs of the stuff in our national stockpile. That situation just changed drastically in our favor. It won’t be real favorable for the environment, though, local tribes complain.
The only thing that matters is the supply of lithium. Along the south rim of the volcanic crater on the Nevada side, a deposit has been confirmed by core sample testing to “hold up to 40 million metric tons of the rare metal.” Not only is it huge, it could be the largest deposit in the world.
Always a thrill to read these. “You know that stuff we were running out of? We looked again and it appears supplies are unlimited.”
Lithium discovery in US volcano could be biggest deposit ever found | Research | Chemistry World https://t.co/iUbaYiIwyA
— Brent Orrell (@OrrellAEI) September 9, 2023
That means it’s certain to “have a massive impact on the electric vehicle industry.” Nobody cares too much about the native Americans and their protests. The government will simply make another deal with them, then ignore it again to do as they please, as usual.
The discovery is being hailed as an amazing boost to “America’s overall lithium reserves, which were previously estimated at a paltry 1 million metric tons.” Belgian geologist Anouk Borst predicts such a huge stash “could have global impacts.”
It will “change the dynamics” all around the planet “in terms of price, security of supply and geopolitics.” With US holding our own supply of the metal, “industries would be less scared about supply shortages.”
Electric car makers ecstatic
America’s car manufacturers have been having nightmares. Democrats are forcing them to phase out the internal combustion engine even though the bugs haven’t been worked out on fully electric cars yet. Nobody wants to even think about what’s going to happen when they all start getting hooked up to our shaky electrical grid.
Despite the mandates to build nothing but electric cars, nobody had a clue where the lithium for all the batteries would come from. They were certain we would exhaust our pitiful supply by 2025.
All the EV makers “are looking to bolster America’s lithium mines” while “members of Native American tribes are protesting the upheaval of the land in search of white gold.”
🔋An estimated 40 million metric tons of Lithium has been found in the McDermitt Caldera (located near the Nevada-Oregon border).
-Due to regulations, the US share of lithium production is down from 37% in 1995 to 1% in 2021.
-Lawsuits initially delayed the opening of this… pic.twitter.com/qtOGqn1uAO
— Wise Squirrel (@WiseSquirrel_) September 11, 2023
According to Paul A. Jacobson, GM’s chief financial officer, there are plans to pay the locals off with good paying jobs. “We’ve got to have partnerships with people that can get us the lithium in the form that we need.” That would be free from the uranium and mercury which is found alongside it.
The discovery means that the car industry might be able to meet their Agenda 2030 mandate of 50% of all cars being fully electric. With the lithium supply secure, Joe Biden can concentrate on convincing Janet Yellen to print up $7.5 billion to build the charging stations for them.
He’s going to need another huge pile of money after that when he tries to hook those charging stations into our existing power grid. Hopefully, Donald Trump will have that nonsense firmly straightened out before it gets too far out of hand.