Roger Waters just had a major dose of censorship karma land smack in his lap like a ballistic flying pig. The co-founder of Pink Floyd has been “banned from speaking on the University of Pennsylvania campus amid allegations of anti-Semitism for his wearing a Nazi-inspired uniform and displaying Nazi imagery at a Berlin concert.” He’s shocked to find himself a victim of the liberal policies he’s been advocating for decades. Children more indoctrinated than educated are unable to reason and think for themselves. Instead, they react as they’ve been programmed by progressives like Waters himself. He still gets to cash the heavy royalty checks rolling in from The Wall, while indoctrinated children of today don’t have a single clue what his Nazi symbolism imagery was supposed to stand for. Or against. “Pink isn’t well. He stayed back at the hotel.”
Mindless censorship
The censorship pendulum has swung from one extreme to the other. Roger Waters heavily rebelled against the strict and structured authoritarian totalitarianism of the post World War II era English public school system. It served as a focal point for the two record set released on November 30, 1979. “The Wall” instantly went viral.
“We don’t need no education. We don’t need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher leave them kids alone. Hey teacher! Leave them kids alone.” Flash forward almost half a century and the kids who grew up with Bloodhound Gang are saying, “all in all, Roger, you’re just another dick with no balls.”
Nobody can blame the “bleeding heart” artist for having a hyper-inflated ego. Fifty years ago he hit it out of the park all the way to the Dark Side of the Moon. After an accomplishment like that, most hippies of his generation would coast along on the proceeds. Waters went on to write one magnum opus after another. As much as he hated the censorship and oppression of his childhood classroom, they forced him to carry away an honest education.
Breaking news! Antisemite Roger Waters has been banned from UPenn’s campus as a result of his Jew hatred ahead of the antisemitic “Palestine Writes” festival. Waters is one of several known antisemites who were invited to speak
— Adam Milstein (@AdamMilstein) September 23, 2023
His totalitarian teachers gave him a solid base of the classics which he would leverage throughout his career as a bleeding heart artist, whether he liked it or not. His brain may have been too saturated with LSD to make it through Architect college but he had also soaked up more skills than he realized. He just got a dose of his own medicine from the University of Pennsylvania. Nobody there remembers Vera Lynn.
At 80-years-old, the “singer-songwriter was set to appear at a panel discussion for the Palestine Writes Literature Festival Saturday.” After he flew all the way to Pennsylvania, he got shafted by liberally indoctrinated students.
He was so flabbergasted that he “posted a video on Instagram saying he’d been told he would instead appear via Zoom.” He’s got such a dangerous mind they won’t let him on campus with it. Such censorship was something the hardcore progressive never saw coming.
Nobody cares about the issues
“I was supposed to be taking part in a panel in a couple hours time this afternoon, but I’ve been told I’m not allowed into the Irving Arena because they made arrangements for me to attend the panel via Zoom,” Waters whined. “And the fact that I came here all the way to be present, because I care deeply about the issues that are being discussed, apparently cuts no ice with campus police or whoever it is.”
They’re using totalitarian censorship because he’s against totalitarianism. His dark sarcasm is obscured by clouds of liberal indoctrination. Today’s U-Penn students are nothing but animals. “If they can get you thinking and talking about anti-Semitism, then you won’t be thinking about the fact that Palestinians have no human rights in the occupied territories,” Waters responds.
Roger was floored by what the college paper, the Daily Pennsylvanian, had to say about him. The headline was “Palestine Writes festival escalates into campus-wide controversy.” Censorship should be a controversy. Several heavily misinformed “Jewish students and community members wrote to school administrators condemning alleged anti-Semitism of speakers at the events.”
This is Roger Waters. He will be on @PENN's campus this weekend during the start of #YomKippur.
Why are so many City, State and Federal elected officials silent on this?
— Bryan E. Leib (FL-25) (@BryanLeibFL) September 20, 2023
They weren’t about to get sued by using his name but everyone knew who they were talking about. Palestinian rights “is what we should be talking about in the Daily Pennsylvanian, not whether Roger Waters is an anti-Semite or not,” Waters counters. “And by the way, he’s not. I know he’s not. Shall I tell you how I know? I am Roger Waters and this is my heart, and it doesn’t have even the slightest flicker of anti-Semitism in it, anywhere.”
One senior on the campus wrote a letter declaring the presence of Roger Waters on the campus “creates a ‘hostile‘ environment for Jewish students ahead of Yom Kippur — one of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar.” Waters hears that and he’s speechless. What can you say to such blatantly misinformed censorship. The context doesn’t matter one bit. Thanks to all the progressive indoctrination, it’s censor first and forget about asking any questions. They’re afraid Roger’s “going to send them back to mother in a cardboard box.”
Nobody on U-Penn’s campus is going to pen the Gen Z version of Dark Side of the Moon. Not because of censorship but because none of them got an education. They only got the thought control. In a formal statement, Waters notes, “my recent performance in Berlin has attracted bad faith attacks from those who want to smear and silence me because they disagree with my political views and moral principles.” The cultural revolution just went a full circle. Right into his face. He’s going to “go home, take off this uniform and leave the show.” Then, he’ll get “comfortably numb.“