Let’s face it, some airlines are good and some are basically school busses that happened to have the capability of flight.
There are some companies that really know how to treat their customers, but there has to be a point where a company tells a customer that they are not in fact “always right”.
Give you an example. I had to fly about six months ago to tend to a family matter and on what was supposed to be the return flight home there was some sort of weird overbooking issue.
They asked for volunteers that would take a later flight. With family being a half hour from the airport and working remotely it wasn’t exactly a tough decision for me to raise my hand.
I did it so quickly that I didn’t even think to ask what I was getting for volunteering. As it turns out, I was getting the cost of my flight refunded, and I was being upgraded to first class.
Plus they gave me some meal voucher to use in the airport. The flight was originally supposed to be for the next day, but there was an opening where I was able to leave the same day only three hours after my original departure time.
So I basically got paid several hundred dollars to eat a really nice meal, and then eat another really nice meal in a comfortable chair.
However, if I had paid for a coach ticket and suddenly demanded they bump me to first class without paying extra and no overbooking issue to content with they would look at me like I was crazy.
Some folks don’t understand that. Especially if they are folks with a small modicum of fame.
There was a story recently that I heard about that just boggled my mind. There was a plus sized woman named Jaelynn Chaney who does travel and lifestyle content.
However, she recently boarded a plane where she was clearly too big for one seat, so the airline wanted to charge her for the second seat. I mean it’s only fair.
Now, it’s not the airlines fault that this woman couldn’t put down the fork. It’s not their fault she didn’t have self control.
However, that isn’t stopping her from trying to get a law passed where “plus-sized” travelers can get the extra seat for free if they need it.
You know, that’s like calling your cable company and telling them you want all the premium channels for free but you are not going to pay for them.
It’s not like she doesn’t know she needs an extra seat. Why should the airline give her something for free?